Our Services
Management, Administrative and Accounting Services
The following Association Management Services are typically provided to ensure the association operates in accordance with all applicable statutes, laws, rules, and regulations:
- Attend, record, and conduct all Board of Directors Meetings including annual membership meeting, town halls and workshops.
- Ensure the association is in compliance with administrative and financial reporting for associations.
- Correspond and communicate with Board of Directors and staff to respond to the various needs of the association and community.
- Review and approve agendas for circulation to the Board of Supervisors.
- Review and approve annual budget, annual audit, and monthly disbursements.
- Accounting needs of the association including accounts payable, assessment billing, collections, etc.
- Review annual insurance policy to ensure association maintains proper insurance coverage.
- Maintain a current roster of all owners within the association.
- Maintain filing system for association records.
- Ensure vendors are fulfilling their contractural duties.
- Conduct weekly inspections of the community.
- Perform covenant enforcement.
- ARC/ARB Coordination.
Onsite Amenity Management
- Oversee day to day operations of the amenity facilities. This includes:
- Daily inspection of the facilities
- Ensure the facilities are in proper working order
- Ensure the facilities are aesthetically pleasing
- Enforcement of applicable amenity rules
- Ensure that contracted vendors are fulfilling their contractual duties
- New resident orientation. This includes:
- Welcoming new resident(s) to the community
- Providing new resident information such as hours of operation, management contact information, community information
- Answer new resident inquiries
- Respond to all resident requests and complaints regarding the community. This includes:
- Educating the residents on District responsibilities
- Educating the residents on any District facility rules and/or regulations
- Research who may be the correct contact person if the issue is not related to a commonly maintained area
- Consider resident ideas regarding the District and present recommendations to the Board of Supervisors where applicable
- Assist resident with any complaints and make all possible attempt to address
- Issue resident facility access cards to residents in order for them to access the facilities where applicable. This includes:
- Verification of residency
- Collection of applicable payments
- Activation/ deactivation of access cards
- Provide amenity facility policies to card holder
- Maintain listing of access cards issued through a trackable method whether through software or a spreadsheet
- For the safety of the community, the Amenity Manager is responsible for coordinating closure of any common areas when necessary such as approaching storms, construction or any other event that could pose a danger.
- Create and distribute a monthly newsletter to the community to include pertinent community news, service schedules, community event details, event reminders, and meeting announcements.
- Maintaining a positive relationship with both residents and vendors
- Attend District Meetings
- Inspect common areas with the Field Manager when applicable
- Assist residents with renting the clubhouse or any other rentable space for their personal events. This includes:
- Maintaining a calendar of the reservation dates
- Arranging paperwork for resident to fill out
- Issuing a confirmation letter to residents for their reserved date
- Educating the resident on rental rules
- Obtain any necessary licenses and/or insurance certificates when applicable
- Obtaining payments and deposits for the rental from the resident
- Inspection of the facilities prior to and after the scheduled event
- Returning deposit checks where applicable
- Coordinate repairs for any common areas maintained by the District. This includes:
- Identifying any damages
- Obtaining a proposal where applicable
- Schedule repairs
- Supervise repairs
- Confirm repair was acceptably completed
- Coordinate and host community events. This includes:
- Maintaining an events calendar
- Preparation and distribution of event invitation to the community
- Control RSVP list when applicable
- Collect payments for events requiring a cover charge
- Coordinate any event vendors such as catering companies, food trucks, bounce houses, etc.
- Purchase all necessary supplies for each event
- Coordinate management team staffing necessary for a successful event
- Host event (the Leisure Activities Coordinator is authorized to host any event without the Amenity Manager, where applicable)
- Maintain sufficient office, kitchen, cleaning and any other general supplies in order to operate the facilities
- Update the community bulletin board monthly and as needed
- Hire additional onsite personnel as needed
Contact Details
Orlando, FL
Orlando, FL 32822
Tampa, FL
Tampa, FL 33619
South Florida
Sunrise, FL 33351
Palm Coast
Palm Coast, FL 33137